It is difficult to predict with certainty what will come after the euro as a currency. The future of currency is subject to many variables, including political and economic factors, and can change over time.

One possibility is that digital currencies, such as Bitcoin or a government-issued digital currency, could eventually replace physical cash and possibly even traditional fiat currencies like the euro. The increasing use of digital payments and the rise of fintech companies have led some experts to believe that digital currencies will play a larger role in the global economy in the future.

Another possibility is that the euro will continue to be widely used for many years to come. The euro is currently used by 19 countries in the European Union, and it is the second most traded currency in the world, behind the US dollar. The euro has been in circulation since 1999 and has proven to be a stable currency despite some economic challenges faced by the EU.

It’s also worth mentioning that several countries in the EU are looking into the idea of creating a parallel currency, a digital one, which will coexist with the physical Euro. This could be a way for EU countries to keep their sovereignty while also having a unified currency.

Ultimately, the future of currency is uncertain, and it will be shaped by a variety of factors. It’s important to keep an eye on the political and economic developments in the world and be open to the potential changes that may come in the future.

There are several reasons that could potentially lead to the abolishment of the euro as a currency. Some of the most likely reasons include:

  1. Economic instability: If the European Union (EU) continues to face significant economic challenges, such as high unemployment, slow growth, and large budget deficits, some countries may decide to leave the eurozone and revert back to their own national currencies.
  2. Political factors: The EU is a complex and multi-faceted organization, and political factors could also play a role in the eventual abolishment of the euro. For example, if there is a significant shift in the political landscape of the EU, with more countries leaning towards nationalism or anti-EU sentiments, it’s possible that some countries may decide to leave the eurozone and reintroduce their own currencies.
  3. Lack of fiscal integration: The EU member countries have different economic characteristics and priorities. The different economic policies and lack of fiscal integration among the EU countries might cause problems such as imbalances, which could lead to the collapse of the euro.
  4. The rise of digital currencies: With the increasing popularity of digital currencies like Bitcoin, it’s possible that traditional fiat currencies like the euro could eventually be phased out in favor of digital alternatives.

It’s worth mentioning that the Euro is a relatively new currency, and it has been in circulation since 1999. Despite some economic challenges faced by the EU, the Euro has proven to be a stable currency.